- Projects > Ilegal Construction
- Anticorruption

Ilegal Construction

Collaborative citizen monitoring project against real estate corruption. We invite citizens to report irregular works.

Alianza entre VIRK, Ruta Cívica y Suma Urbana.

Alliance between VIRK, Ruta Cívica and Suma Urbana.

The urban growth of Mexico City has been characterized by disorder, lack of planning, discretionary application, and the absence of clear rules.

Thousands of us are witnesses of irregularities in both works and land uses. In some cases, the inhabitants have been successful in denouncing and stopping arbitrariness; in others, they have gone unpunished under the protection of “instruments” that legalize them, or due to acts of corruption, complicity and omissions by the authorities.

The result is a crisis, the enrichment of a sector “with levers” and authorities, legislators and judges who do not fulfill their role of regulating or applying the law.

At Obra Chueca, citizens can report what we observe on the street and what has been reported to the authorities. The sum of this information, which you can consult in real time, points out the places where there are irregular works, as well as the actors that operate and benefit from corrupt practices.





Premios y reconocimientos

Winner of the Anticorruption Innovation Award:

2016 by OpcionA and Telefónica OpenFuture_

Nominated for City Awards 2017,:

in the Digital Project of the Year category.


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